Friday 24 January 2020


Naively we colonialists  believed that Commissions, Inquiries, Investigations describe actual processes happening in our country that would identify and expose the bad guys and girls who have all but destroyed the things that we imagined help to made life bearable for the largest number of citizens. How badly we have been let down. Not only is there still not been a single high-profile arrest, let alone conviction, but this week it emerged that public release of all the proceedings cannot be taken for granted. It seems as if we have been treated to nothing very different from theatre. No one with the final decision-making powers (a perilously small number it turns out, which does not include the President) can see any value in revealing the truth.
One of the hardest things to understand and accept as one’s country goes full on communist and central planning is the apparent sheer ignorance and stupidity of the alleged leaders Now at last when it looks as if SAA will hit the wall and be declared insolvent and offered for sale there are still voices claiming that it will all be alright just as soon as someone comes up with R2bn. The stubborn insistence that everything government has decided upon, overrides simple observation, arithmetic and evidence is utterly infuriating and so frustrating. What adds to the irritation is the very many cadres who do understand the facts, the maths, and the reality, seem to be under a vow of silence least their erudition shows up the rest for the clowns they are.
Equally terrifying are those who are in charge of other people’s money who think that hopelessly insolvent basket cases are worth investing in either because the CEO is a fine chap who loves kittens or because an outfit like a ratings agency with nothing to lose except their credibility (joke) has tipped the wink at the investment idea. Tidemarks never wearies of repeating the probability that more “investment grade” instruments have gone belly up than paper with “junk status” have clawed its way back to respectability. Like SA did in the seventies.
Intriguingly much of the latest global nonsense has been playing out in the Swiss enclave of Davos where each year the twin themes of global warming and poverty elimination are debated against a background of snowy piestes and conspicuous luxury. Irony and embarrassment are not strong suits among those who attend such jamborees. Much excitement was caused by the expectation that President Donald Trump would meet Greta Thunberg, the almost canonised 17-year old school drop out with very firm views on who should do what so she can live longer. She did however get to pump the hand of Prince Charles and the resulting video suggests that neither had the faintest idea who the other person was and why they should be friends with them. Priceless.
It was quite amazing watching an alleged grown up who holds a very senior position in the US government, using a large batch of pens in sequence to sign something to do with booting President Trump out of office before his time officially is up. Like a kid who excitedly constructs a poster using different coloured pens for successive letters, Ms Pelosi scrabbled trough a collection of pens on a silver salver in order to complete her signature. It is supposed that the document and by association the pens used to sign it will attain massive historical value and significance in due course. She obviously thinks that the Smithsonian Museum will apply for a pen to add to their collection of bizarre relics. Here in SA what we need is an exhibit that depicts the halving, twice, of the value of our currency in the past twenty odd years.
Those of us who have treated the rapid rise of a women’s section for major sports on an international platform with bemusement are about the get a fierce wake up call in the next two tournaments (men /women)  of international Sevens rugby to be played down under. In order to have enough time for all the rugby the men’s quarter final round has been scrapped! Only the pool winners get to move to the next round which are the semis. Take that!
James Greener
Friday 24th January 2020