Friday, 10 February 2023



Presumably this “State of the Nation Address” (SONA) jaw-wag by the Leader to his or her subjects was dreamed up by a clipboard wielding PR executive years ago. This is when the nation’s state was reasonable and critically, far better than the previous year. The fearless leader could don some glad rags, drape himself in awards (if any) and invite an “A” list of tax-eating layabouts (aka other politicians and alleged VIPs) to do the same and come and listen politely. Moments of adulation, awe and reverence could be marked with applause. Their reward is a red-carpet moment followed by the serving of viands and liquor normally only enjoyed by the best connected of the criminal classes. For the last few decades however the nation’s state has been awful and deteriorating and the PR executives must surely have melted into embarrassed obscurity.

The shindig however, marches on. And it took place yesterday. Hopefully only those who had temporarily mislaid the remote might have watched.  There was a lot of bad behaviour, the declaration of a State of Disaster and an increase to the cabinet headcount. Same old same old.

A grizzled old stockbroker such as I, is totally amazed what apparently is allowed when it comes to advertising investment services and products. For example, a slick TV production introduces a would-be investor worrying if the smorgasbord of things to buy is safe. A gorgeous and obviously well-off young lady slides into focus to assure the audience that everything they sell “is licenced””. Wow. Just Wow. A big selling point is often how easy it is to begin buying your first investments. Even the Springbok rugby captain apparently uses his mobile phone to open an account and begin trading! What happened to FICA? That wodge of state sponsored paperwork designed to give the illusion that the government has your back when it comes to investment risk. Has all that “proof of residence” stuff reduced financial crimes? NO?!  But “Why not?”  you cry. “Look! It has a certification no older than 3 months!”

And then there is RICA which supposedly enables government in the name of crime control to link people to their mobile phone numbers? Really? Any cell phone company emporium or “hole in the wall” shoppe will today sell you a “pre-RICAed” SIM card. For a few pennies and no questions asked. This was the week when the national broadcaster claimed to have begun to seek TV licence payments from all users of computer monitors that are TV capable.

Do the big corporates still employ compliance officers? About as useful as the men who install direction indicators on a BMW.

The recent apparent attempt to murder Eskom CEO Andre De Ruyter by poisoning him is bizarre and medieval. His later revelation that the two cops who came along to find out what happened and presumably begin investigating the crime, were totally clueless lends a typical weird and amusing South African theme to the very serious incident. The serious side is it demonstrates the ruthless and dangerous criminal culture that has infiltrated the electricity utility. Or indeed anywhere large sums of state money are loosely controlled. Government, who actually is as clueless as those cops when it comes to running any commercial entity are throwing money at the problem in a not very effective attempt to keep the lights on, the trains running, and the sewage controlled. Of course, the cockroaches are coming out of the dark.  

It is time for this nation to stop thinking it has a permanent lien on the Nobel Peace Prize and start treating the bad guys with less respect. Let’s start with those would-be poisoners and have them behind bars for 10 years before the end of this month. It’s time to go and fetch the Guptas and bring them home overland in the back of a Bedford for a brisk trial with courts working a full 8 hours a day and waffling lawyers silenced. No more Mr Nice Guy and Human “Rights” for these people. Apparently, the Robben Island Jail is deteriorating from lack of maintenance. Perfect. Winter is coming. And disconnect the well as the power --- oh wait!

James Greener

Friday 10th February 2023