The US share markets obviously approve of the news that the so-called Tech companies have been firing staff at an unprecedented rate. The Nasdaq index is up almost 20% for the year. Remember when computers were supposed to help everyone get along with fewer staff? Don’t cry for the nerds though. It has been noted that many of the newly unemployed are finding jobs with Chinese companies. Remember this is the poster child sector for having staff who have no idea where the office is. Even our own All Share is powering upwards despite no good news about how industry are coping with critical shortage of power. And the US have raised interest rates again.
It’s three years since our government gave in to international peer pressure and declared a State of Disaster. Wise men (and women) warned at the time that little good would come of it and in particular, worried that politicians, once they tasted the heady potion of unfettered power, would only come back for more. How right they were. That time the panic was about a medical infection event that we were assured would depopulate the world in weeks. This time it is a loss of control of the nation’s electrical power supply(or what is left of it) to criminal elements which only mobilisation of the army can possibly restore! Hang on a minute Cyril. Let’s try a few other things before letting the cabinet loose! Last time they banned liquor and tobacco sales and open toed sandals and take-away food. None of which had any effect on a rather nasty respiratory bug. Now at least start by firing the Prat in the Hat for impersonating a police minister, and please dump the ex-president’s ex-wife who refuses to say what happened last time. Then send the cops in to fix the crime -- it’s their job, isn’t it?
Here is a little scene we would all love to witness. It takes place in the Presidential Suite at the Union Buildings in Pretoria. President Frogboiler is hard at work with his rare cattle bloodstock book. The phone warbles and he answers it. From our side the conversation goes like this. He listens for a long time to what is obviously a very excited woman shrieking. Eventually he manages to slow her down and asks a question: “Totty what Spurs?” The answer does not seem to help and he moves on to another question “How much did you say?” His next question seems to puzzle the other party. “Why?” and there is a bit of a silence. What we all wish to hear next would be a snort of derision and the following. “No. No. Don’t be silly Lindiwe” “ It’s this Spurfowl Ham outfit that should be paying us. Do you know what English soccer players get paid? Be a good girl and run along and put this nonsense out of your mind and I won’t tell the cabinet about it”.
It is well known that it is only the supply of diesel fuel to Eskom’s generators is which helps to keep (some) of the lights on. But it is a costly business especially when Petro SA – the state oil company—are reportedly supplying the fuel at a premium price! This seems intrinsically wrong! Let’s hope that Eskom do at least insist on not paying the taxes and retail margins.
Some very dim people have come to the conclusion that pretty much everything we do to make life worth living is heating the planet. They are undoubtedly correct when they point out that heat leaks from ovens and hot plates and indeed all household appliances. In fact when the cooked food is taken out and served it also cools down and can melt glaciers and stuff leading ultimately to “endangering your health”. But wouldn’t not eating also be rather bad for your health too? After all the amazing scientific and engineering progress of the last few centuries why on earth are so many of us behaving like ignorant morons?
To beat England 2-1 in the ODI series was very satisfactory. The heat wave has returned to Durban so the Sharks vs Stormers fixture is going to be sweaty tomorrow.
James Greener
Friday 3rd February 2023