Many of the professional
commentators have been nodding wisely at the news that Number One is taking the
threat of a downgrade seriously. He has, we are assured, plans. Everyone from
the cabinet up, has been told to be rein in spending. But it won’t make any
difference. The population as a whole neither knows nor cares for concepts such
as prudence, frugality, debt control and all those things that distinguish a
winning country from the rest. The president himself is hopeless with money and
he has a history of choosing financial advisors who have been exposed as dodgy
in the extreme. This government will never balance the books. It has no idea
what that means. As long as there are taxpayers out there, all is just great.
And if the state has to borrow and pay interest, well that’s the next
generation’s problem.
But that lot aren’t showing much
concern either. Their contempt for the norms and standards of a civilised and intelligent
society was terrifyingly illustrated this week by the worsening behaviour of people
claiming to be students intent on gaining an education. The deliberate and
wanton destruction of art, artefacts, furniture and property in order to
display their unhappiness was stupid and terrifying. This riotous spree has
attracted world-wide attention and deepened the suspicion that this part of
Africa is just the same as the rest. The ratings agencies will note that these
future leaders reject civic responsibility and treat the suggestion that loans
whether personal or institutional need to repaid as ludicrous and threatening.
Junk status is probably too generous. Our parental, education and civil systems
have created a generation for whom the likelihood of real productive employment
is small. The frustration is understandable. The behaviour is not.
The University authorities have
been bleating that they do not condone violence but that bird has long since
flown the coop. They caved in last year when the students were finding
something other than swotting to do. That was a big mistake and gave the youth
the idea that they were all-powerful and infallible. The mystery in South
Africa is why swift and appropriate action is not taken against vandals whether
they are jiving in parliament or defacing and destroying public property.
And yet people have to eat and
survive and thankfully there are many wise and sensible souls who ignore the
politics which they know they can’t influence. Instead they continue to find
ways to grow. A very heartening report tells of a substantial growth in factory
investment, and several companies have been coming out with quite acceptable results.
Consumers are still able to find the money for booze for example. Unfortunately,
some of this expenditure is sourced from ill-informed decisions about saving.
Because it is terrified of alienating voters ahead of local government elections
later this year, the government, at the insistence of the trade unions, has withdrawn
proposed regulations about contractual savings. Workers will not be forced into
buying retirement products but instead can take their money and run. The
yawning gap between what the government is expected to provide (in this case
pensions) and the ability and inclination of those supplying the cash is one of
South Africa’s really big problems.
And on the topic of really big, a
buffalo bull named Horizon deserves a mention. Much of his fame rests on the
record-setting spread of his horns. Whether or not these weapons are in the 25%
portion of the beast that was purchased this week for R44m was not mentioned.
The sentimental amongst us shudder at the thought of how the owners of this
also record-setting R176m worth of buffalo will generate a return. Horizon
himself probably has an opinion on this matter which might emerge only as he
grows older and cantankerous.
It’s one of those weekends when the
preferred mode of transport from Pietermartizburg to Durban is a canoe. This
also means that the areas around the bowling club bar tonight will be filled
with fit men and women wielding paddles. It might be difficult to get the
barman’s attention so perhaps it will be best to stay at home and watch the
cricket on TV
James Greener
Friday 19th February 2016